Thursday, November 20, 2008

RSG: Trial Prep

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet
Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.

Character: Song Po-Po
Student Name:Sumeeka

1. Question: Where did you live when you worked at Ji-Li's house?
I lived in a small room downstairs.( page # 14)

2. Question:
How did the revolution affected your life?

Answer: (page #87-88)
The revolution affected my life not in a good way because i got fired from my job and i loved the kids and i use to love the family.

3. Question:
Why did u did that job?

Answer: ( page #88-89)
I was from a wealthy family but my husband committed suicide and all the money was gone to pay hi debt so eventually i needed to be a housekeeper so this was the only way i could get money but Mao said it was bad to have houskeepers and i could not make money anymore.
4. Question:
After they fired u what did u do for them?

Answer: (page #216)
I cleaned the stairs and sometimes brought vegetable and some times i use to wash them and cut them